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Main Reading Rules & Practice (1)

Revise the ABC

  • Vovels - Гласные
  • Consonats - Согласные

Aa [eı]

Ff [ef]

Kk [keı]

Pp [pı:]

Uu [ju:]

Zz [zed]

Bb [bı:]

Gg [dӡı:]

Ll [el]

Qq [kju:]

Vv [vı:]


Cc [sı:]

Hh [eıt∫]


Rr [a:]

Ww [´d/\blju:]


Dd [dı:]

Ii [aı]

Nn [en]

Ss [es]

Xx [eks]


Ee [ı:]

Jj [dӡeı]

Oo [ou]

Tt [tı:]

Yy [waı]



Reading vowels

Чтение гласных

I тип слога (открытый) II тип слога (закрытый)
  • a [eı] name, table, take
  • e [ı:] he, she, be, Pete
  • i  [aı] nine, ice, I, time
  • o [ou] note, no, go, home
  • u [ju:] mute, pupil, student
  • y [aı] type, my, fly, by
  • a [æ] map, plan, sand
  • e [e] bed, help, text
  • [ı] pig, fill, silk
  • o [ɔ] hot, boss, lost
  • u [/\] bug, rust, must
  • y [ ı ] myth
гласная буква читается как в алфавите гласная буква читается кратко



Read the following words. Pay attention to the rules of reading.

Blame, melt, mix, be, had, five, my, run, bite, rose, rate, drive, rely, hunt, best, spoke, tulip, hill, flat, gate, duke, sole, even, pole, fill, cut, send, battle, mile, bed, style, side, long, plan, miss, bitter, typist, noble, lake, nut, use, us, plane, lye, fat, bitter, mile, fly, better, rat, not, mist, six, tube, sale, ox, sad, such, duct, rubbish, space, bottle, rise, raze, system, mutton, office, vote, luck, bad, long, no, note, just, club, shelf, stone, summer, subject, pencil, cat, mute, chip, home.

Reading vowel letter combinations

Чтение гласных буквосочетаний

Letter combination Sound Example

au, aw

ai, ay, ei, ey

ea, ee

eu, ew, ue, ui

ie, ye

oa, oe

ou, ow

oi, oy











pause, because, draw, flaw

rain, pain, day, may, veil, eight, grey, they

meat, beat, sea, meet, beet, see

neutral, feud, dew, news, mew, due, suit

lie, tie, bye, dye

boat, coat, toe, goes

out, flower, owl

point, join, boy, toy

book, cook














breakfast, deaf

great, break

piece, field, chief





Read the following words. Pay attention to the rules of reading. Use your dictionary if you doubt.

Bee, deed, dead, plain, deceive, grey, weight, need, neutral, heavy, eighty, train, toast, heaven, pleasure, breakfast, Australia, ready, spread, freeze, read, pay, head, house, allow, real, see, eat, heed, feed, peak, deep, weigh, sleet, slept, heat, believe, toe, August, conoe, boat, suit, colleague, stay, Sunday, double, young, moon,  aloud, spoon, tray, zoo, please, spoil, joy, annoy, steam, fee, health, fruit, soap, blow, Austria, seek, deaf, key, mountain, flow, blue, steak, clean, plain, poison, needle, autumn, slow, shoe, tiptoe, awful, reach, coal, juice, obey, aloe, coat, lie, about, beetle, amount.

Reading consonant letter combinations

Чтение согласных буквосочетаний

Letter combination




[ ∫ ]




[ t∫ ]





[ θ ]



ck [ k ] block
ng [ ŋ ] long
ph [f] phone
qw [kw] quote
ght [t] eight



Read the following words. Pay attention to the rules of reading. Use your dictionary if you doubt.

Which, with, depth, wing, sphere, then, wheel, whom, who, question, equip, telegraph, physical, whale, wine, quote, them, three, thus, teeth, tenth, theme, ink, blank, singing, swing, what, knife, along, farther, knap, knit, ring, philosophy, phonetics, knack, phrase, quickly, tooth, those, writer, along.

Silent consonants

Непроизносимые (немые) согласные

Letter combination




[ w ]

what, where


[ h ]

whom, who


[ ai ]

high, light


[ ɔ:k ]


kn [n] know, knight
gn [n] sign
wr [r] write


Other rules

Cc Gg


a, o, u

cat, coal, cut


a, o, u

game, goat, gun


e, i, y

cent, city, cycle


e, i*, y

gel, giraffe, gym

* - чтение буквы g перед i следует ВСЕГДА проверять по словарю

(как, впрочем, и любое незнакомое для вас слово...

И да, будьте готовы удивиться ;-D)



Read the following words. Pay attention to the rules of reading. Use your dictionary if you doubt.

Crystal, garden, teacher, gilder, get, fetch, gimp, ghost, cubic, geography, place, gene, cut, girl, cap, Gypsy cat, gap, catch, giddiness, inch, general, mice, gang, golf, clean, goal, came, give, cattle, space, fancy, ginger, nice, cent, clap, pick, pocket, ginseng, price, prick, giant, record, recite, church, gold, face, game, deck, chalk, ticket, gimcrack, topic, gift, cinema, choice, school.

Go to Part 2

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