Главная » Тесты

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the given verbs.

How much do you know about this holiday and anything related?

Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Choose the most suitable word.

Complete sentences. Use a possessive adjective or pronoun. (Test it. Fix it. Kenna Bourke, Oxford, 2010)

Choose the best variant to complete the word. (2000 тестовых заданий по английской грамматике, Камянова Т., М., 2011)

Choose the best variant to complete the word. (2000 тестовых заданий по английской грамматике, Камянова Т., М., 2011)

Choose the best variant to complete the word. (2000 тестовых заданий по английской грамматике, Камянова Т., М., 2011)

Choose the best variant to complete the word. (2000 тестовых заданий по английской грамматике, Камянова Т., М., 2011)

Choose the best variant to complete the word. (2000 тестовых заданий по английской грамматике, Камянова Т., М., 2011)

Choose the correct variant

Listen and choose the right variant (English, Afanasyeva O.V., Mikheeva I.V., 7)

Прослушать аудио (открывать в отдельной вкладке)

Listen and choose the correct answer (Code Blue U2 WB)

Прослушать аудио (открывать в отдельной вкладке)

Listen and choose the best option to complete each sentence (Code Blue U3 WB)

Прослушать аудио (открывать в отдельной вкладке)

What tense do you have to use?

Выберите правильный вариант.

Семь предложений были удалены из текстов. Прочитайте тексты и заполните пропуски 1-7 подходящим по смыслу предложением A-H. Одно предложение лишнее.

Read and choose the correct variant

Read the text and choose the most suitable variant.

Choose the best variant.

ВНИМАНИЕ: Откройте аудио в новой вкладке -


Listen to the interview and choose the correct variant.

Read the given sentences and choose the most suitable variant.

Read the text and decide if the given statements are true, false or you do not fave enough information to give either positive or negative answer.

Fill in the gaps with the correct variant.

Choose the correct variant.

Choose the correct variant (Английский язык, ОГЭ-2016, Тренинг, Легион, Ростов-на-Дону, 2015)

Choose the correct variant.(Английский язык, ОГЭ-2016, Тренинг, Легион, Ростов-на-Дону, 2015)

Read the texts and match them with the given titles. There one extra title that you do not need to use.

Listen to the interview and choose the corract variant to finish the sentences.

Прослушать аудио (открывать в отдельной вкладке)

Choose the best variant.

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the corract variant.

Read the text and choose the best variant to fill in the gaps.

Simple, Continuous & Perfect Tenses. Choose the best variant.

Listen and match.

Прослушать аудио (открывать в отдельной вкладке)

Read the text and fill in the gaps A-F with the missing parts of the text 1-7/ There is one extra part that you do not need to use.

Choose the correct tense to complete the given sentences.

Choose the correct variant to complete the given sentences.

Choose the correct preposition to complete the given sentences.

Read the text and choose the correct variant to fill in the gaps.

Choose the correct variant to complete the text.

Listen and decide if the given statements are TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED.

Прослушать аудио (открывать в отдельной вкладке)

Read the text and the questions. Decide in which text you can find the answer. There is one extra text which you do not need to use.

Read the text and do the tasks.

Choose the correct variant.

Read and choose the corect variant.

Read the text and fill in the missing parts 1-7 into the gaps A-F. There is one extra part that you do not need to use.

Listen to the interview and choose the correct answer.

Прослушать аудио (открывать в отдельной вкладке)

Choose the correct variant.

Read the text and choose the correct variant to complete it. There is one extra part which you do not need to use. (Attention: you have only ONE TRY).

Read and match the texts A-G with the given titles 1-8. There is an extra title which you do not need to use. ATTENTION: you have ONLY ONE TRY to do this task.

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct variant.

Choose the correct variant. There is only one correct answer. (To be, to have,Present Simple, Past Simple; Тесты по АЯ 5-11 классы, М., Олимп, АСТ, 2002, Логинов В.В.)

Choose the corract variant. There is only one correct answer. (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple; Тесты по АЯ, 5-11 классы, М., Олимп, 2002, В.В. Логинов)

Read and choose the correct variant. (Е.С. Музланова)

Прослушать аудио (открывать в отдельной вкладке)

Choose the correct variant