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Подготовка к ГИА: грамматика, повторение времен

Раздел "Грамматика" - Tense Revision -  Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms.

Task 1.

Present Simple & Present Continuous

Leila Markham is an environmentalist. She is being interviewd on the radio by Tony hunt, a journalist.

Tony: - So tell me, Leila, why is it important to save the reainforests?

Leila: - There are a number of reasons. One is that many plants which could be useful in medicine 1 GROW in the rainforest. We 2 NOT KNOW all the plants yet - there are thousands and thousands of them. Researches 3 TRY to discover their secrets before they are destroyed.

Tony: - I see. What other reasons are there?

Leila: - Well, I'm sure you've heard of global warming?

Tony: - You mean, the idea that the world 4 GET warmer?

Leila: - That's right. The rainforests 5 HAVE an imortant effect on the earth's climate. They 6 DISAPPEAR at a terrifying rate and soon they will be gone. People 7 NOT DO enough and save them.

Tony: - But is global warming really such a problem? I 8 ENJOY warm sunshine.

Leila: - Well, what 9 HAPPEN when you heat ice?

Tony: - It 10 MELT of course.

Leila: - OK. The polar ice caps 11 CONSIST of millions of tons of ice. If they 12 MELT, the level of the sea will rise and cause terrible floods. Many scientists 13 BELIEVE that temperatures 14 RISE already. We must do everything we can to prevent global warming, and that 15 INCLUDE preserving the rainforests!

Tony: - Thank you, Leila, and good luck in your campaign.

Leila: - Thank you.

Task 2

Past Simple & Past Continuous

Colin Boyle was born in 1973 near Dublin, Ireland. In 1983 he became seriously ill. While he 1 RECOVER his uncle 2 GIVE him an old violin. He enjoyed playing and practised at his school every day after lessons. One day in 1987, John Leaf, the manager of several musicians, 3 HAVE a meeting with the headmaster when he 4 HEAR Colin practising. He immediately 5 CONTACT Colin's teacher and 6 INVITE Colin to appear in one of the concerts he 7 ORGANISE that year. Colin', however, 8 REFUSE Leaf's invitation, because just then he 9 PREPARE for some important school exams. Colin 10 PASS his exams and 11 GO to college to study engineering. At college he 12 MEET Kim O'Malley, who 13 STUDY chemistry. Kim was also a keen amateur musician.

Being students, they rarely 14 HAVE much money and they usually 15 WORK as waiters at wekends. One evening in April 1992, while Colin and Kim 16 SERVE customers, the manager 17 ANNOUNCE that there would be no live music in the restaurant that night as the regular band could not come. Colin and Kim 18 PERSUADE him to let them play to the customers. Everyone 19 BE amazed to hear how good they 20 BE .

Six month later they 21 DECIDE to leave college because they 22 EARN so much money as musicians. Their success has continued ever since.

Task 3

Past Simple & Past Perfect

a) I cooked a chicken curry for some friends, but I NOT FIND out until the next day that I GIVE them all food poisoning.

b) Sandra RING her friend Dawn to ask about her holiday. Dawn RETUN just from a cruise in the Carribbean.

c) Since he was a little boy, Mark WANT to go to Oxford University and study to become a doctor. Imagining his delight when he DO really well in all his eams! His childhood dream COME true.

d) Kenneth HAVE a very difficult week. On Monday a water pipe BURST and flooded the kitchen, on Wednesday the central heating BREAK down, and on Friday his wife LEAVE him.

e) Keith and Fiona GO to Brighton for their holiday last year. They BE there the yearbefore and they HAVE an awful time, so I can't understand why they DECIDE to go back again.

f) Rachel was a successful model before she BECOME a teacher. She EARN a lot of money, but then she GIVE it all up for the classroom.

Task 4.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple

Dear Mum and Dad,

I 1 BEGIN to feel nervous now about my climb to the top of Everest. However, I think I 2 DO all that I can to prepare myself and I 3 FEEL very fit, but is it enough? To be perfectly honest with you both, I am absolutely terrified. As part of out training we 4 LEARN how to survive in sub-zero conditions which 5 NOT BE much fun.

At night we 6 SLEEP in all kinds of strange places! Tonight we 7 STAY at the base camp.

I often 8 DREAM about my warm bed back home and Mum's cooking. I 9 NOT SEE you for four month now, but it 10 FEEL like four years.

It's wonderful to get your letters and hear your news. I 11 TELL everyone here how hot it 12 BE in England this summer, but they don't beleive me. And I 13 TRY to imagine all the summer colours in our garden in York, because of course the only colour here is white. It 14 SNOW a lot recently, so conditions are a little dangerous. Today's a rest day. Some guys 15 SUNBATHE because believe it or not it gets very hot here around midday. Other people 16 CHECK our equipment, which is a job we have to do all the time.

You mentioned in your last letter that you 17 THINK of selling the house. Please wait untill I 18 GET home before you 19 MAKE any decisions. Our house is beautiful, I'd be really upset if you sold it.

Anyway, it's 8 pm, and my bedtime. I always 20 GET up at 4 am at the latest. I'd love 21 LIE in my bed at home right now.

Anyway, I'm not!

Take care of yourselves.



Task 5.

Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Past continuous, Present Continuous,

Present Perfect, Past Perfect



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