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Grammar and Word-building (6 класс)

Task 1


Прочитайте диалоги и выберите верные ответы из четырех предложенных вариантов.

Dialogue 1

A: My brother is bigger 1 _______________

B: 2 ________________ is he?

A: He's 25. He has 3 _________________________ job.

1 A that yours B that your C than yours D than your
2 A What old B How old C What age D How age
3 A a very B very good C a very good D very well


Dialogue 2

A: I'm going to 1 _______________ you some questions. What is the capital 2 ____________ England?

B: London.

A: Yes. Now, where is it?

B: 3 _____________________south.

1 A tell B say C ask D talk
2 A on B of C in D from
3 A on B on the C in D in the



Прочитайте данные ниже предложения 1-8. Употребите глаголы, напечатанные заглавными буквами, изменив их на существительные, оканчивающиеся на -ing. Некоторые существительные могут быть во множественном числе.

1. Will there be ___________ at the party? DANCE
2. "Hello" and "Good morning" are __________ . GREET
3. Who does the __________ in your family. COOK
4. I didn't see the __________ of the play. BEGIN
5. Houses, schools, churches and shops are all  __________ . BUILD
6. __________ in the fog can be dangerous. DRIVE
7. Do you remember your first __________  with your husband? MEET


Task 2


Прочитайте диалоги и выберите верные ответы из четырех предложенных вариантов.

Dialogue 1

A: Where 1 ___________ yesterday?

B: We went to that new restaurant. We 2 ___________ there at 8 o'clock and there wasn't 3 ____________ in the place.

1 A have you gone B went you C did you go D you did go
2 A got B came C get D come
3 A nobody B anybody C no persons D any people


Dialogue 2

A: Have you 1_________ been to Africa?

B: Yes, I visited one or two African countries 2 ____________.

A: Did you go there 3 __________ holidays?

B: No, I went with a group of Europian students.

1 A yet B ever C still D any time
2 A 4 years ago B since 4 years C for 4 years ago D for 4 years since
3 A as B on C for D by



Прочитайте данные ниже предложения 1-10. Измените выделенные курсивом слова на существительные, обозначающие вид деятельности и оканчивающиеся на -er/-or или -ist.

1. He works at a plant. He is a ________________.

2. My friend drives very well. He is a _____________________.

3. Mary has been playing the piano since five. She is a ___________________.

4. My friend teaches geography at school. He is a  ___________________.

5. Beethoven composed many great pieces of music. He is a ____________________.

6. He gives lectures at the University. He is a ___________________.

7. Isaac Newton invented hundreds of things. He was an ___________________.

8. He has acted in many films. He is a ___________________..

9. He has been writing about music for years. He is a ____________________.

10. She dances very well. She is a ____________________.




  • Веселова Ю.С., Английский язык, 6 класс (в формате ГИА), Интеллект-Центр, М., 2013
Категория: Грамматика | Добавил: Asio (18.09.2015)
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