Главная » Статьи » Уголок ученика » Говорение, фонетика


Task 1

Give a talk on family relations.

Remember to discuss:

  • what family relations can be between the members of family, why
  • what the reasons for disagreements between parents and children are, why
  • whether it is good to be an only child, why/why not
  • your relatons with your family members


Task 2

Give a talk on communicating with friends/foreign friends.

Remember to discuss:

  • what ways of communications are popular among the youth nowadays, why
  • how you usually comunicate with your friends, why
  • whether you communicate more with your classmates or with you penfriends, why
  • if one should have many friends or just one, why


Task 3

Give a talk on your friend.

Remember to discuss:

  • if you have many friends or just one, why
  • what qualities attract you to him/her, why
  • if there is anything you'd like to change in him/her, why
  • what you do together


Task 4

Give a talk on travelling.

Remember to discuss:

  • why people like travelling
  • what places in Russia are popular among foreigners
  • if your family travel a lot, why/why not;
  • what countries you would like to visit, why

Task 5

Give a talk on environment.

Remember to discuss:

  • why it's important to take care of the environment
  • what you think the most serious ecological problems are
  • what the government must do to reduce the risks of damaging the environment
  • what you can do to protect it
Категория: Говорение, фонетика | Добавил: Asio (24.01.2016)
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